Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Big Kid

I love the way the things we say come back to us in a different way...
For example, I am giving Mikayla her bath. Since we went to the "big kids" class today I thought I would carry on the big kid theme and mention that "big kids" don't mind a little water in their eyes...
That worked for a moment...but since I used WAY too much shampoo there was extensive rinsing to do...which prompted Mikayla to say...
"Ugh Mom! Way too much water in my eyes!!!"

On a totally random note, as we were pulling into the parking lot of "big kid" school today Mikayla shouted "MOM...What's that??"
I look over and all I see is a pile of wood (literally...parts of chopped up tree) so I say "where honey?"
"Quick, over there, OVER THERE!"
And to my surprise, right next to the dumpster was a Mama Duck leading about 6 or 7 ducklings back to their nest!! What a beautiful sight to share with my duckling.... *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. I cant believe she is a "big kid" already! It's gone by way too fast. Cant wait to see you all in a few weeks!
