Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chill Mom...

So yesterday I made a "deal" with my darling daughter...
Me: We can go to Sonic and you can have a cherry slush with TWO cherries in it if you promise to listen to mommy and daddy tonight, no whining, and you have to listen to mommy and daddy tonight. Ok?
MAC: Ok mommy, I promise to be good and listen to you and daddy.
Me: Sounds good, let's go!

Later at home...

Me: What was our deal? (As she isn't listening to me...)
MAC: (head down not looking at me... silence)
Me: I guess no more slush...
MAC: Just chill mom, I will do it!

Jeez...when did she turn 16?

1 comment:

  1. they really grow up that fast? OH NO!!!! I've got to build a basement to lock Rylie in! ;) Hey, I'm diggin the progress on the blog...I love the background template!
