Friday, March 26, 2010

Dot Com

So MAC has taken to adding a "dot com" to everything. For example, she sees a commercial about potty training (we've been diaper free for almost a year) and she says "go to to find out more"...more what, I have no idea. She will also talk to her stuffed animals like she's the teacher and says "kids, get a parent or an adult to help you log on to (insert,, nick and you can play games and do art projects." Geez... She will also throw out a random "", "", and "".

I remember being three (ok, just little) and thinking how cool markers were and now my three year old has been on a computer since she was one and a half!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I love it that you are blogging!! I get so much enjoyment out of being able to share the Nutt House happenings with friends and family and also keep up with others. It's really somewhat addictive. I'm actually turning some of my blog posts into part of Rylie's first baby book. Precious keepsakes, i'm such a sap. I included a link below I found that explains how to delete a blog site, if you still want to delete one of yours. I'm assuming that you are keeping this one since it has the most recent posts on it, so i'm joining this one to follow. Cant wait to keep up with the Cathcart Chaos! See you soon. Stacie
